Sunday, June 20, 1993

Jerry's Original Mini-Fan (MINIFAN)

"In the late 1800's and the early decades of the 1900's fans of this type were used the world over in areas where there was no electricity.

This model has a 5-1/4" diameter fan powered by a miniature modified Heinrici stirling cycle engine. This is one project that has practical value!

The fan runs at about 900 RPM and blows a nice breeze considering it's small size. The fan is cute in this small size, but if you want to move more air you ought to check out the 'Super Stirling Cycle Engine Fan' " - Jerry

Sunday, March 28, 1993

First "Vickie" pencil drawings

I believe "Vickie" was one of the first engines Dad designed and built. I found these sketches in his files.